Become a member
Why join a Mark masonry in Germany?
All brothers are entitled to join Mark Grad as soon as they have become Masonic masters in the guild.
The Mark Grad is a fascinating degree and is rightly considered a “friendship degree”. It is an important mission and there are many reasons for it. In addition to the craftsmanship and Royal Arch Freemasonry, it is the largest of the Masonic mission. There are 41 provinces in England and Wales, as well as 25 districts around the world with over 1,600 lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its district and overseas lodges.
Depending on the tradition of the individual lodges, of which there are currently 11 in Germany, unfortunately one currently dormant, most of which work in English ritual, four lodges in which the ritual is promoted and performed in German.
How can I become A Dm Maurer in Germany?
If you decide to join the Mark-Maurerei in the district of Germany, and we hope that you would like it, you should first contact the secretary of the Mark Loge in your area. This can be found on the website Alternatively, contact the district Secretary This will advise you and help you get in touch with a lodge
After the contact to a lodge has been established, you need to fill out an application form that can be downloaded from this website you will then be asked by the loge secretary to obtain your large lodge certificate or a safety certificate from the Masonic lodge of which you are a member to be exhibited and presented
If you already come from a Mark Master Mason Loge in your district, an application form will be filled in again and your Mark Grand Logen certificate will be required To do so, a certificate of safety that must be issued by your lodge. Provide the details of the boxes in which you are a member on the back of the application form
They are then proposed and in an open lodge in the same way as at the Masonic Lodge The balling in your favor causes the elevation ceremony and you become a member of this ancient and venerable degree. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the district secretary