News 2016
KT Heinz Ritter 1432, Mönchengladbach, Saturday, 30. Jan. 2016
“There will be an Emergency Meeting of the District of Mark Master Masons of Germany to be held in the Lodge House, Friedrichstr 37, 65187 Wiesbaden on the 30th of January 2016 at 1100 hrs for the re-activating of the Heinz Ritter Friendsh
ip Lodge No 1432 and the Heinz Ritter Pilgrim Lodge No 1432. All Brethren of District of Germany Mark Master Masons are invited to attend, All Officers of the District of Germany are to attend whenever possible.
the District Grand Master RW Bro Michael Cooper looks forward to greeting you on this special occasion.”
Tremonia Lodge 1612, Hannover, Friday 26. – Saturday 27. Feb. 2016
Another highlight of the “District Grand Lodge of MMM of Germany” in 2016 was the Tremonia Lodge RAM 1612 W opening
By the same conditions as already in the Mark, could be through WBro. Wolfgang M Kempen PDGSwdB, the log eat under his direction will be reactivated as W.Cdr.
27.02.16 RAM W-Opening, starting at 10:30 under the leadership of the DGLMMMvG noon White Table
Installation W.Cdr. Woffgang M Kempen
25 recordings, with table lodge All Brr. of the DGLMMM of Germany are invited to participate.
All officers of the district of Germany should participate whenever possible.
With District Grand Master RW Br. Michael Cooper and his support, we are also pleased to achieve this goal of reopening RAM.
Due to this good development, a strong RAM log e.g. of Tremonia No. 1612 with now 16 Brr. and on 11.06.2016 with a further 4 Brr. has been created and will face a positive future for the other leading W.Cdr.